Monday, July 10, 2006

Senator Bayh and Me

Yep, it's my pal Senator Evan Bayh and me. We're like this! (I'm crossing my fingers in case you were wondering). Actually I didn't even know who he was when I met him. How politically astute am I! Hee hee...sorry Senator I didn't realize you were a U.S. Senator from Indiana who comes from a prolific and powerful political family, and a presidential hopeful (I googled his name after I met him).

Anyway - Sen. Bayh was in town for an Amy Klobuchar event and then did a press conference with Matt Entenza. Matt was showing him around the State Office Building and I had several opportunities to take his picture with some legislators who happened to be around. Rep. Katie Sieben (who is running for State Senate) actually took this photo of us.


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